Symfony CLI binary allows to start a local PHP server to run your application. Many interesting options are available: local domain, HTTPS... Let's discover undocumented options or options recently documented!
Workers configuration
We can define workers, that will start automatically with the server (example taken from documentation):
# .symfony.local.yaml
# Automatically start "yarn encore" in "watch" mode
yarn_encore_watch: ~
# Automatically start "messenger:consume" with "async" transport
messenger_consume_async: ~
# You can also define your own commands
cmd: ['yarn', '--cwd', './spa/', 'dev']
Local wildcard domain
You probably knew that you can define local domains, for example "project.wip".
But did you know that you can also define local wildcard domains?
symfony proxy:domain:attach "*.myproject"
This way, your projet will handle eg. admin.myproject.wip, custom.myproject.wip...
Configure options using a configuration file
As you read above, the .symfony.local.yaml file allows to configure workers. But, what's not yet documented is that there are other options available!
# Sets domain1.wip and domain2.wip for the current project
- domain1
- domain2
document_root: public/ # Path to the project document root
passthru: index.php # Project passthru index
port: 8000 # Force the port that will be used to run the server
preferred_port: 8001 # Preferred HTTP port [default: 8000]
p12: path/to/p12_cert # Name of the file containing the TLS certificate to use in p12 format
allow_http: true # Prevent auto-redirection from HTTP to HTTPS
no_tls: true # Use HTTP instead of HTTPS
daemon: true # Run the server in the background
use_gzip: true # Toggle GZIP compression
Caution: if you define local domains using this configuration file, when you will run the server:start command, domains defined using the proxy:domain:attach command will be overridden.
Et voilà! :) If you have any questions, comments, suggestions... Feel free to post a comment below :)
Posted by Yahya on 21/10/2024 at 00:57.
Hello,i tried to configure my .symfony.loal.yaml file, but i have the impression that my configuration is no longer taken into account. unable to access domain1.wip or domain2.wip.
"This site is inaccessible"
here is my config file
- domain1
- domain2
document_root: public/ # Path to the project document root
passthru: index.php # Project passthru index
port: 8000 # Force the port that will be used to run the server
preferred_port: 8001 # Preferred HTTP port [default: 8000]
p12: "\"C:\\Users\\yahay\\.symfony\\certs\\default"" # Name of the file containing the TLS certificate to use in p12 format
allow_http: true # Prevent auto-redirection from HTTP to HTTPS
no_tls: true # Use HTTP instead of HTTPS
daemon: true # Run the server in the background
use_gzip: true # Toggle GZIP compression
Posted by jmsche on 08/11/2024 at 17:51.
Hello Yahya,Did you configure & start the proxy server?