Jonathan Scheiber

Jonathan Scheiber

Analyst Developer
I am a web developper specialized in backend development using Symfony. I sometimes write articles on my blog. Want to know more about me? You can browse my portfolio and online resume.
My photo

My skills

I have more than 12 years of professional experience (more than 15 years including my personal experience) in websites development. I don't fear learning new languages & handling tools and frameworks. Want to know more about my experience? Check my online resume and project porfolio.


I have more than 12 years of experience with Symfony, from version 1.4 to the current one. I have the Symfony 6 certification (expert).


My favorite language! :)


MariaDB, MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Oracle, Access


What could be better for a fast & efficient search?


Web development 101.

Sass & Less

For better organized stylesheets.

Vanilla Javascript

After a few years juggling with jQuery and Backbone, a back to basics is always welcome.

Frameworks & libraries

jQuery, Foundation, Backbone or Bootstrap were, and still are for some, my allies.


What would we be without versioning these days? Thank Git & SVN.

Server management

A bit of Debian server management on my spare time.

Other languages

Python, C, C++, C#, Java...

Payment systems

Ogone, Stripe, Paypal, Allopass...

Latest blog posts

Set up CKEditor 5 with Symfony, Asset Mapper and Stimulus
Set up CKEditor 5 with Symfony, Asset Mapper and Stimulus

Setting up CKEditor 5 in Symfony, whether using Asset Mapper or Webpack Encore, is not straightforward.

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Symfony CLI: let's discover advanced options!
Symfony CLI: let's discover advanced options!

Symfony CLI binary allows to start a local PHP server to run your application. Many interesting options are available: local domain, HTTPS... Let's discover undocumented options or options recently documented!

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EasyAdmin bundle: flash message after save
EasyAdmin bundle: flash message after save

By default, when creating content, EasyAdmin displays no message after creating, updating or removing entities. Let's see how to manage that :)

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