Jonathan Scheiber

Project: Leapt Core Bundle

A utility bundle, inherited from a company where I worked a few years ago, which I continue to maintain.

Leapt Core Bundle

Originally, this bundle was created by a company where I worked a few years ago, Snowcap, hence the original name: SnowcapCoreBundle.

When the agency closed its doors in 2015, I went to my new employer, and I cloned the repository to be able to continue to maintain it, always keeping a reference in the README and in the documentation about its origin.

This bundle is compatible with the latest versions of PHP and Symfony and allows, thanks to its various utilities, to quickly set up:

  • file and image uploads
  • data lists with search and filtering
  • a recaptcha (v2 ou v3)
  • pagination
  • RSS feeds
  • sitemaps
  • and much more!